Help Topics for FTPPro Multimedia Podcasts
Create a New Multimedia Podcast
Add Events (YouTube Videos and Images)
Event List


FTPPro Multimedia Podcasts lets you display YouTube Videos and Images that are synchronized to your podcast. You may enter a list of Events, which will each start at a specific time in your podcast. Click here to see an example of a Multimedia Podcast.

To play just a portion of your podcast, select an MP3 Start and MP3 End time. You may start a YouTube video in the middle, by selecting the YouTube Start Time.

When you create a new Multimedia Podcast, you will be given a Public URL, which you may display on your website. You will also be given a private Admin URL, so you may edit your settings in the future.

Create a New Multimedia Podcast

The initial screen will require that you complete the following fields. Do not enter "https://" at the beginning of URL's, since that will be added by the program.
  • MP3 URL: This is the address that plays your podcast's MP3 file. If you do not know your MP3 URL, display your podcast at any of the major podcast sites (including Megaphone, Apple iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts), and then right-click and select "View page source".
  • MP3 Start and End: To play just a portion of your podcast, select an MP3 Start and MP3 End time. The MP3 Start must occur before the MP3 End time.
  • Description: You may enter up to 1,000 characters to describe your podcast episode.
  • Episode Title: The main heading for your Multimedia Podcast may contain up to 50 characters. It will be displayed as a link to your website (using the Podcaster URL).
  • Image URL: This image will be displayed beneath the Podcast Description.
  • Podcaster URL: This address is used to display the Episode Title as a link to your website.

After completing these fields, click [Save Settings], and your Public URL and Admin URL will be displayed at the top of the screen. Do not give your Admin URL to anyone.

You may then click View Multimedia Podcast (to the right of the Public URL), to see how your Multimedia Podcast settings will be shown to the public. However, when you play the Multimedia Podcast it will not show any videos or images until after you have added Events, as described below.

Add Events (YouTube Videos and Images)

The Event Controls described below are not displayed until after you complete the settings in the top section, and click [Save Settings].

A Multimedia Event is a YouTube Video, or an Image, that starts at a specific time while your podcast is playing.

  • Description: The Event Description is used just for your information, so when your Events are listed you will know what each pertains to.
  • Event Start: Use the MP3 Audio Player (on the right side of the screen) to determine the Event Start time.
    Select a time that falls between the MP3 Start and MP3 End (selected in the top section). Otherwise, the video or image will not be shown.
  • Type:
    • YouTube Video: Enter the YouTube ID (which are the characters after "?v=" in a YouTube URL), and the YouTube Start Time (if the video should start in the middle). To confirm that you entered the correct settings, click [View Video].
    • Image: Enter the Image URL. Do not enter "https://" at the beginning of the URL, since that will be added by the program.
      To confirm that you entered the correct URL, click [View Image].

After completing the fields described above, click [Add Event], and the Event will be shown in the Event List.

Event List

After you add Events, the Event List will be shown beneath the Event Controls. In that list, click any YouTube ID or Image URL to display that Video or Image on a new tab.

  • Edit Event: Click the [Edit] button to display the selected Event in the Edit Controls. When done editing, click [Update Event] to save your changes, or click [New Event] to add a New Event.
  • Remove Event: Click [Remove] to remove the selected event from the Event List.